Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Why is it ...

That I think I have an order complete and ready to ship when I count and I've miscounted - why is it that the count is never in my favor?? Oh well at least I know what I'm doing tonight and then I can get these two orders shipped out.

On a crappy note - my dh is leaving for 10 days on Thursday and I've got to get up really early in the morning to take him to the airport (we live only about 35 mins from the airport but we're going to have to leave over 3 hours early for his flight thanks to the new flying restrictions - don't even get me started on those!).

Anyways I'm not really looking forward to those days they are not going to be fun!
Today my boys got to play outside it was beautiful weather out today - somewhere in the teens I think - they'll likely get to play outside again tomorrow :)

Oh there's a FOE COOP going on right now - Check out Nature's Fabrics for the details :)


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