Tuesday, April 13, 2010

"Coffee" & Toast

As I sit here with my "gas station cappuccino" and my rye toast with raspberry jam I'm thinking about my day, what it needs to hold, what it holds and what it shouldn't hold.

Needs to Hold:
  1. I need to start making the adult diapers that were ordered last night.
  2. I need to get my kids paperwork ready for school (this is our last year of homeschooling) this entails a trip to the notary public to have a "Statement of Conscience or Religious Belief Affidavit" signed - then we have to filed it at the Durham Region Health Department (this is because we don't immunize our children).
  3. I need to order some new racks for my "show kit".
  4. I need to ensure that my in-laws are coming tomorrow.
  5. I need to do homeschooling with the 6 yr old.
  6. An order of packaging materials from Uline.
  7. Happy Kids & Mommy
  8. Lots of Smiles & Hugs
Does Hold:
  1. A very weak but still very good cup of "coffee" *see above*
  2. 1 load of dishes DONE - many more to do :(
  3. No kids dressed yet - but it's still not quite 9 am
  4. A to do list for the new "expansion" to Wee Ones that seems a mile long.
Should Not Hold:
  1. Dirty Children
  2. Unhappy Children
  3. Unhappy Mommy
  4. Procrastination (hehe)
  5. Whining
  6. Tears
Well that's my to do list for today :) What does yours look like?

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