Today's cloth diapering experience ended up with wayyyyy too many poopy diapers - a 2 year old that I really should start potty training (if I wait long enough he'll tell me right - NOT!!) but as I've already been down this road twice before I know how much time it's going to take and really I don't like spending the majority of my day in the bathroom or cleaning up the carpet / tile / laminate - and so I'm procrastinating - I wonder if I can turn it into a positive procrastination somehow?? Hmmmmm not likely but it might be worth a try!
If you don't know what positive procrastination is it's like this - You know you have to do something, but you do something else (that also needs or should be done but is much more fun, or rewarding) first. This way at least something positive comes out of the situation and hopefully you are now at least slightly more inclined to do the thing that you weren't so keen on doing in the first place.
This gives me another idea here is my current procrastination list - (I'm hoping that if I air my "dirty laundry" - pun intended - to you then I might be less likely to procrastinate!)
Current Procrastinations:
- Laundry - Diapers specifically - how ironic!
- Sending some information to China about my current FOE order
- Dishes (like this one will ever change!)
- My office desperately needs a good cleaning / organizing - I can barley see my desk!
- Homeschooling (my son is in his refusal to do schoolwork phase and it's frustrating).
- Big bin of cloth diapers in my office that just need to be snapped together and put into the "store".
- HUGE box of 2nds / discontinued items that need to be placed on the outlet
- Filing this weeks orders into my filing cabinet - this one I don't know why I don't do but the pile continues to grow and yet here I am typing instead of filing!
- THERE's lots more but that's enough embarrassment for today!
- I started my blog - hehe
- I tagged a new batch of breast pads for the "store"
- I fixed a lot of pictures on the website - probably about 75% fixed - did a lot of upgrades to the site this week!
Well that's enough for tonight - on an Olympic note - we (and by we I mean Canada) beat Germany in Men's Hockey tonight - EH OH CANADA GO! - Score was 8-2!! This was by far the best game that the men have played during these Olympics - I made a joke to my dh that the head coach of the Men's team must have had them play a scrimmage game against the women (which in my funny world they lost terribly!) and so the men decided tonight to play HOCKEY - shocking I know! They passed, they looked (they didn't managed to hurt any of their teammates!) they acted like a ................... a .......................... wait for it ..................... TEAM! Yeah - EH OH CANADA GO!
They have renewed my faith in the Men's Hockey Team - oh and did you know Sidney Crosby is from Nova Scotia - that's just a feather in my cap :)
Tomorrow we play Russia in the quarterfinals - see you after the game (or before if I get into my positive procrastination mood!)
They have renewed my faith in the Men's Hockey Team - oh and did you know Sidney Crosby is from Nova Scotia - that's just a feather in my cap :)
Tomorrow we play Russia in the quarterfinals - see you after the game (or before if I get into my positive procrastination mood!)
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