Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Well I've finally gotten around to changing the background image to the blog - just matches all my other sites:
Wee Ones by JaJoC
Wee Ones Outlet

Hope you like the change - let me know what you think - do the sites flow well together - the blog still needs some work, but at least it looks more like "me".


Sunday, March 28, 2010

Rain Rain Go Away .....

Well it's Sunday - which usually means it's RACE DAY ......... in your house that probably doesn't mean much of anything but here in my house it means that Mommy and her little guys are going to watch Race Cars drive around an Oval tracking going in excess of 200 mph (sometimes) and I love every single minute (hours) of it! My dh doesn't care for it, and my youngest and I get into arguments about which driver is JR (he thinks that all men in race suits are Dale Jr - I'm still trying to get it through to him that there are other drivers out there - so far I'm loosing the battle!)

Anyways - it's raining not only here in Whitby, Ontario but also in Martinsville, Virginia! What are the chances?? Ok so it's late March it's pretty good - but STILL this means that tomorrow at Noon EST I may not get to watch my favotire past time as likely my crappy tv stations won't be showing it - they'll show chess or fishing or anything else but .........

Maybe I'll get lucky and get to watch it on the internet while I'm sewing :)


Friday, March 26, 2010

Color Combinations

Ok so a retailer e-mails me saying she doesn't like the color combo's I sent her - what now? I thought that they looked awesome (so did the lady who did the snaps for me). When someone buys only a handful (12 total) diapers and doesn't like the combinations of colors what should be done? I mean there are like 30+ fabric colors and about 40 trim colors that's an awful lot of color combinations! Should I have just a set selection of color / trim combo's? I would think that people would prefer a wider selection of choices - maybe not!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

The Store ...

I'm finally getting around to putting the new items into the "store". The "store" is apart of my living room (well it's almost 1/2 of my living room but it's separated off so there are not any toys in it). Anyways - so as business is not at it's peak right now so I have been working on getting some stock done up - hence the new items - so that's what I'm working on right now - or at least that's what I should be working on right now - hehe now I'm writing to myself. I wonder if that's a sign of being crazy - some people talk to themselves, others write to themselves - NAH I think it might be healthy :)

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Tired of diapers .....

Ok so don't get me wrong I love using cloth diapers but I'm tired of changing them overnight. Now let me explain ..... with my first son (kid) I started using cloth at 6 months. I switched to cloth cold turkey and never looked back. I never changed him throughout the night (well once in a blue moon maybe), and then #2 comes along - same thing.

#3 ............................... and my dh decided a while ago that he thought he should change him in the middle of the night for a few nights in a row (well the few nights were not actually in a row he doesn't get the "baby" that often but each time he got him he changed him).

I continued to refuse to change him in the middle of the night (none of my kids are really great sleepers it always seems like there is at least one kid that's up for one reason or another in the middle of the night!). So Alex just got worse and worse about wanting his bum changed - and so I started to give in (BIG MISTAKE!) so that I didn't feel like the worst mom ever! Anyways so here we are months later and I'm here by myself for about 10 days while my dh is off galavanting (haha - he's not really) in Boston for work. So I'm pulling double duty throughout the evening (he's the one that puts the kids to bed), and I've been up late every night so far reading (yes I know I could have gone to bed early but the kids don't let me read in the evening and I work all day so .....) and so I hear him crying, calling my name (it was a little easier to ignore when he was calling for Daddy but that only lasted a night or two). So I go up and try to reassure him, but NO he wants his bum changed, and at this point I either want to get back to my book or I was already in bed (this one I hate the worst - why didn't he cry 5 minutes earlier when I was not quite in bed yet??) Either way I get up and tend to him, and then wouldn't you know it around 6 am he's at it again! I'm exhausted, beated down and just tired - I would love to potty train him but I'm not doing it by myself I just don't have the energy! Maybe I'll do it while my mom is here in May - at least then there would be an extra set of hands to help get him to the potty. Some days it really doesn't seem like it's worth getting out of bed!

At least it's sunny outside today - so that means I have to go to the garage - clean off the cutting table, and lay out the french terry - I've got to get these diapers made :)

Thanks for lending your ear :)
Happy Hump Day! (that's Wednesday for those of you who think I'm a POGO addict - I'm NOT - not even close!)

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Why is it ...

That I think I have an order complete and ready to ship when I count and I've miscounted - why is it that the count is never in my favor?? Oh well at least I know what I'm doing tonight and then I can get these two orders shipped out.

On a crappy note - my dh is leaving for 10 days on Thursday and I've got to get up really early in the morning to take him to the airport (we live only about 35 mins from the airport but we're going to have to leave over 3 hours early for his flight thanks to the new flying restrictions - don't even get me started on those!).

Anyways I'm not really looking forward to those days they are not going to be fun!
Today my boys got to play outside it was beautiful weather out today - somewhere in the teens I think - they'll likely get to play outside again tomorrow :)

Oh there's a FOE COOP going on right now - Check out Nature's Fabrics for the details :)


Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Fabric Cutting .....

So today is / has been a cutting fabric day! My huge cutting table (I've got 3 "pieces" together and it's 80" wide x 144" - yes it's 12' long! - long) set up all day long. First it was with Bamboo French Terry, then Cotton French Terry, now it's ProCool. I've still got ZORB and more bamboo cotton fleece and organic cotton terry to cut up tonight :) It's already after 8pm I'm hoping to be done by 10 pm :) Thank goodness for my fabric knife and spreader it really makes it so much "easier" to handle a huge (obscene) amount of fabric every time I need to cut fabric.

Wanna see what I'm talking about?

Monday, March 8, 2010

While I wait

Well while I'm waiting for my printer to spit out the final page to the Baby Boom Application (2010 Ottawa Baby Show) I figured I might as well sit and chat for a minute since I don't want to leave the computer on all night and I can't shut it down or the printer won't finish.

Today in cloth diapering - Alex has taken to screaming and hitting and even bitting his clothing when we go to change his diaper - it's time to potty train him I'm afraid! Bad timing as "show" season is about to start (I'm at the Better Baby Expo this weekend in Peterborough come on out and visit me :) So I guess it's time to clean up puddles of pee and reward with Fishies :)

Today in making cloth diapers - I'm working on 22 embroideries for a retailer in Norway - it's been a tough couple of days on my poor machine I don't think it's ever had to work that hard! I'm hoping it will forgive me when all is said and done :) I'll be sure and post pictures before I ship them out!

The phone wouldn't stop ringing today - in a good way - and for once I actually had my phone on me most of the day! I really should start using my case that way I don't have to wonder where I've put it - oh it's on my waist - hehe

Man this printer is like molasses running up hill on a cold day :)

Tomorrow will consist of more embroidery and COVERS!!!!!! Oh and One Size Pocket diapers, and probably much more but I can't think of them all right now.

Night night - maybe tomorrow I'll get my first follower - who knows it might be you!

OH OH OH it printed - good night!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

New Ads ...

So I've got a few new ads that are ready for print what do you think?

This one is for the Durham Parent - as a preview ad for the Durham Parent Baby & Kids Show which is being held April 17th from 9-4 at the Pickering Recreational Complex.

This one is for the Help We've Got Kids 2011 distribution.

What do you think?

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Traineez Review


Everyone is loving our Traineez - read for yourself!

Win your own Traineez

Only one week in and I'm already behind

Ok so the weekend was absolutely amazing as you all probably hear (literally I mean and not online). Everyone hear Canada scream with 0:24 left in the 3rd when the USA men's hockey team scored to tie the game and to send our GOLD medal game into overtime - I do wonder how many Canadians has heart attacks at that 24 second mark! So overtime starts and the game is on - worried nail bitting we stand beside our couch (we are no longer sitting) and scream at the TV - our children can't quite understand why the adults are standing in the living room in front of the perfectly comfortable couch - so they take the opportunity to be bad - GRRRRRRRR - and then the magic happened! 87 - his name is Sidney Crosby - he's a Nova Scotian (hehe) and he's about to become Canada's hero - he scores the winning gold to bring home the GOLD. Gold in men's hockey, the record breaking GOLD for any country - GOLD!!!!!!!!!!!! I think the entire neighbourhood hear the screams from my living room - remembering it makes me want to cry - what a proud canadian moment - it was truly amazing and I was so proud to be a Canadian in that moment (even if I did only get to watch it on TV).

All 3 of my boys now want to play hockey - and they run around in the house with their tiny hockey sticks - yelling GOAL (or GOLD - they're not quite sure which they are yelling!) It's so adorablly cute :) Some days it's so easy to be a MOM :)

Well enough about Hockey - on a diaper note I've done all of the diaper laundry now just in time to start all over again - hehe.

Gotta get back to the site up dating the pricing to put back in the quantity discounts per product!

Oh and I created a page to show you all of the PUL color options - check it out here.